European Solidarity Corps - Solidarity projects
Solidarity projects are volunteering projects initiated, developed and implemented by a group of at least 5 young people lasting from 2 to 12 months. They give young people the chance take the initiative to respond to the issues and challenges around them, in the local community they live in, although some of them can also tackle regional or even national issues.
Solidarity Projects should have an impact on the local community by addressing local issues, targeting a specific group or developing local opportunities (particularly in communities located in rural, isolated or marginalised areas) but also through involving different actors and developing new partnerships.

Who can take part
A group of minimum 5 young people, aged between 18 and 30 years, who are legally residing in one and the same participating country (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey) and have registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal.

How does it work
Solidarity Projects should address key challenges within the communities but should also clearly present European added value.
Participation in a solidarity project is an important non-formal learning experience through which young people can enhance their personal, educational, social and civic development.
A solidarity project will typically consist of the following stages:
– Preparation;
– Implementation of the activities;
– Follow-up (including the evaluation of the activities as well as the dissemination of project’s result).

The activities will take place in the country of residence of the participants, facilitating the participation of young people with fewer opportunities who may encounter difficulties to engage in transnational activities.
One of the participants will assume a role of legal representative who will be in charge of submitting the application (unless an organisation applies on behalf of the group).
The group will arrange the distribution of tasks and responsibilities, coordination and tasks in relation to the goals of the project.

A group of young people who plan a solidarity project can also seek for support from an organisation which can be any public or private body.
An organisation may apply on their behalf for a grant under the European Solidarity Corps.
The role of the organisation should be mainly administrative, to support the group in the project life-cycle administrative and financial tasks. However it can also offer support and guidance in identifying and documenting learning outcomes.

Young people carrying out a Solidarity Project may be supported by a coach, a volunteer or professional person, who could have youth work experience to accompany groups of young people and support their participation.
She/he can play different roles depending on the needs of a given group of young people. The coach remains outside the Solidarity Project, cannot be a member of the group, neither have links with the applying organisation (if any).
The coach may support the group of young people in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of their project based on the needs of the group.
The coach can facilitate and foster the quality of the learning process and assist in identifying and documenting learning outcomes at the end of the project. Coaches can be volunteers or professionals.

Who can submit the application
Any public or private body on behalf of the group that will implement the project should submit the application to the National Agency of the country where the applicant is legally resident.

– 11th February at 12:00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st May and 30th September of the same year;
– postponed to 7th May at 12:00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st August and 31st December of the same year;
– 1st October at 12:00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st January and 31st May of the following year.

For further details, please check the European Solidarity Corps Guide